"Entanglement" and other nonsense like "Superposition", "Dark Matter & Dark Energy"...
...the "Cult of the Bumping Particles" (CotBP) produced. ;-)
The short version if you're in a rush:
- "Entanglement" is a NOTHINGBURGER! A misinterpretation of the experiments! No information is transmitted.
- "Superposition" is equally a NOTHINGBURGER! Inside each space quanta and between the space quanta there is plenty of room for "hidden variables"! Since we don't have access to those, we can deal with those internal rotations only probabilistic. Nothing bad about that - that's the best we can do. But these rotations happen in physical space and are fully deterministic. A measurement just projects down to our 4 dimensions whatever the status quo is at that very moment. There is no magic "collapse of a wave function".
- Dark Matter & Dark Energy aren't required if space itself is quantized as described in the QUEST framework. Each oscillation of a space quanta holds this energy and the space quanta are always present between visible matter.
- Double slit experiment and the "Copenhagen Interpretation" introduced a nonsensical open door for esoteric bs - let's write this in capital letters: BS! Ignoring the pilot wave every particle - which is actually a vortex or an amalgamation of vortices - creates in the superfluid spacetime surrounding it, is what lead to this colossal misunderstanding. The CotBP got everything inverted! Wherever they see a particle, there is actually a hole aka a vortex in the superfluid spacetime.
Detailed explanation:
The whole mystery has its origin in a misunderstanding of the experiments!
Vortices in Superfluid Spacetime:
- Indefinite Evolution: In a superfluid model of spacetime, once vortices are formed with specific initial conditions, they continue their evolution indefinitely unless disturbed by external factors. These vortices are stable and maintain their characteristics over time.
- Mirrored Vortices: When we talk about "entangled particles," we're actually referring to two vortices that are created in such a way that they are mirror images of each other in terms of their dynamic properties. This mirroring isn't just in spatial orientation but in all dynamic aspects, akin to one clock running forward and the other backward in time.
The iPad Clock Analogy:
- Visual Representation: Imagine two iPads, each displaying an animation of a clock. One clock runs forward, and the other runs backward. These clocks represent the dynamic state of two vortices.
- Instant Knowledge Without Communication: If you know how one clock behaves (e.g., it's running forward), you instantly know the state of the other (it's running backward) without any need for communication between the iPads. This reflects how, in the QUEST framework, observing one vortex gives you immediate knowledge about its entangled counterpart because their states are deterministically linked from the moment of their creation.
Higher-Dimensional Looped Animation:
- Deterministic Evolution: Extending the analogy, if each iPad showed a complex, looped animation representing higher-dimensional dynamics, one animation running in reverse would still allow for instant inference of the state of one from the other. This captures the essence of how entangled states in QUEST are deterministic yet appear correlated in a way that seems instantaneous.
- No Superposition: In QUEST, there's no real superposition where a particle exists in multiple states at once. Instead, each vortex has a definite state within its higher-dimensional trajectory, which we perceive probabilistically due to our limited observational capacity within the four dimensions we experience. The "probability" comes from our inability to observe or predict the full complexity of the higher-dimensional deterministic path.
Fractal Spacetime and Planck Scale Limitations:
- Fractal Nature: The spacetime fluid has a fractal structure, meaning similar patterns occur at various scales. However, our perception and interaction with this structure are limited by Planck units.
- Temperature and Time: Within this fractal context, temperature relates to time when viewed from a higher dimensional scale or "zoom perspective." This relationship underscores the interconnectedness of fundamental physical quantities within the superfluid model, where time, space, and energy (through temperature) are intertwined in ways that classical physics doesn't fully capture.
- In summary, entanglement in QUEST isn't about particles influencing each other across space; it's about understanding that what we perceive as separate particles are manifestations of a single, unified process within the spacetime superfluid. Their "entanglement" is a reflection of their shared origin and deterministic evolution in higher dimensions, which we can only partially observe or predict due to our dimensional and scale limitations.