This picture tells you almost everything you need to know about GRAVITY. What you call the "secondary Bjerknes-force" between oscillating bubbles within an acoustic fluid is what communicates the density gradients through the compressible superfluid we call SPACETIME. 

Since all masses are attracting spacetime - and like the atmosphere around the earth introduce a density gradient into the surrounding spacetime-fluid - this introduces a low pressure zone into the spacetime fluid between the two masses. If we're talking about earth and moon, this low pressure zone will be 6 times closer to the moon than to the earth, since the earth is 6 times more massive - hence the branes of equal pressure meet much closer to the moon.

gravity gravity explained

You can think of gravity similar but not the same as the high- and low pressure system of the weather patterns around the earth. Since matter is a very dense area of space where space is compressed and swirling around bounded extremely fast rotating vortices - atoms act like "space pumps" that pump the unbounded space around them very fast. This fast flowing free space has according to your great scientist Bernoulli a very low pressure.

So in summary: every mass is (like layers in an onion) surrounded by branes of equal low pressure compared to undisturbed spacetime. Bringing any masses close together creates a low pressure zone between the masses. What you call GRAVITY is this low pressure zone attracting the two masses according to their respective sizes.

If you jumped out of an airplane you feel this low pressure zone between you and the earth directly. The earth is falling towards you and you are falling towards the earth. Since you're not as fat as the earth yet, the earth isn't going to change its trajectory greatly because of you.
Remember: no matter (pun intended) where you are in space - there is always a brane of equal pressure that envelops you with any other mass within the universe. Of course the large masses dominate over small masses - and the closer a mass the stronger its influence since gravity dissipates to the distance squared.